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Friday, Jan. 26, 2007 3:59 AM

Aha � I�m at it again, sneaking on an entry in the wee hours of the morning. I �m putting off making entries because I don�t have anything interesting to say, and because my typing stinks and requires lots of corrections, and I don�t feel that I can follow a thought to its conclusion without losing my point. MS is �dumbing� me down.

PT Spring semester was supposed to start this week, but I didn�t get a call for an appointment. If they don�t call by Tuesday, I�ll call them. Things may be off schedule due to the weather earlier in the month. I NEED PT, because without it I don�t do anything. I know I�m getting worse � I can�t walk very far without tiring � even with the walker � so I don�t. I�m lazy.

We had our sorority meeting last night, instead of Thursday, because it was supposed to rain. I think the people who have farther to drive have gotten all woosy about the weather � because, you know what?, it rains here in the northwest. That�s just a fact of life. Ice � not so much � but it rains lots. Should be used to it.

Anyway, drove myself to the meeting, which was dull. Bought 3 boxes of GS Cookies, and committed to bringing some homemade cookies to the Super Bowl party. I need to call someone to arrange a ride, because I hate driving to GH anymore � especially when I�ll be coming home after dark. I notice I�m not seeing so well then; Scary, really.

So, I found an old MS message board I used to live at before my laptop died. It moved from MSN to Yahoo to somewhere else. I had to create a shortcut so I could find my way back! I still haven�t figured out how the board works, though, because I can�t find my old posts! And I thought I posted a new thread, but I�m guessing I must not have because I didn�t get notified of any responses, which would be unusual for these people- not not to make a comment. So I�ll mosey on over there before my battery poops out on me.

I�ve been having some trouble finding a good balance with water intake. Too little and I�m constip� well, you know, and too much and I don�t get the signal to get to the B�room in time. I�ve had two �accidents.� The ONLY good thing about that is that I was at home when they happened. I just can�t imagine how mortified I�d be if I had that problem in a public place. I knew someone a long time ago who had that happen when she was newly diagnosed. She had never had any issues with that particular symptom, and one day she was clothes-shopping at a fairly nice store, and she did it in her pants, right there in the dressing room, with no warning at all! Well, the clerk/s was/were very helpful, going to other departments to get her new underwear and they brought her water to wash up with, etc.. They did every helpful thing one would hope for. But she said she was so embarrassed she would never set foot in that store again. And who could blame her? I just hope that it doesn�t happen to me.

Okay, that�s enough for tonight.

Good Night, TTYL,

Be Well.


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